Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Five Months

I'm five months already. You could say I'm a perfect little angel. I grow bigger everyday and love to amaze Mommy and Daddy with all sorts of new tricks.

This is me on the morning of my first trip to the library.

I started going to the library with my mom for baby time. I have met a lot of new friends. I look forward to my Monday morning trips to the library so I can play with Jason, Sarah, Micah, Milo, Elle and Alice. I have even gone to hang out with Jason and Sarah after the library. We get along really well!

I've practiced up on my drooling. By the looks of my shirt, I'd say I'm honing that practice to perfection.

March 16, 2010

For daddy's spring break we went to Buffalo to do some exploring. Addi even got to come with us. It was a beautiful day so we did a lot of walking around the city. We had a lot of fun.

That's me in the stroller. Daddy and I look like little ants in front of this massive building.

We ate lunchish/dinner at the Anchor Bar. This was fun because it was where Buffalo Wings were created. Mommy doesn't even really like wings but said the wings at the Anchor Bar were by far the best she's ever had!!

March 18, 2010

We saw so many cool animals at the zoo. We saw:




We also saw monkeys, eagles, tigers, hyenas, rhinoceroses and other cool animals too!!

In my spare time I just like to...CHILL

I am practicing my sitting skills and can sit on my own for a minute or two. Mommy has to make sure I don't head dive in one direction--sometimes I lose my balance.

I love to laugh. Mommy and Daddy have found all sorts of tickle spots on me. I also like to laugh at them when they are acting stupid, talking to each other or making funny noises in my face.

When I eat my cereal, I insist on holding my very own spoon. Mommy gets the spoon to feed me so I think I should get a spoon too. After she feeds me a spoonful of cereal I like to practice feeding myself.

I am very talented with my binki and love to take it out. I can't always get it back in the right way but boy do I try!

At the end of each day I'm beat.


Brimaca said...

Cute as always! :)

Micah and Chelsea said...

Love the all the pictures EXCEPT the one with the Yankees shirt on! We miss and love you guys!

Veronica said...

I loved reading about all you are doing and especially about angel Jasper! He is so very beautiful. I stare at his picture and marvel at his perfection. I am so happy that you are enjoying every day with him and he is certainly growing and developing. I am sure I will hardly believe it is him when I get to hold him again. I do love and miss you very much. We were so excited to see Richie, Juie, your dad and the girls at Nicole's shower. What a treat for all of us. It meant so much. Just wish you could have been with them. Remember you are loved!!!

Emily said...

He is the sweetest! I love reading your monthly updates. So darling :)

Laurel said...

He is so cute! Paisley and I love going to the library too! Glad Jasper has friends there. What a fun outing for spring break. Miss you guys!

Kirstin said...

First off, You make the cutest mom alive. Second off, Jasper is the cutest baby boy out there... I want to just hold him and give him loves, and last... I want your hair. It is so cute... the cut, the color. You look like you never even had a baby... what's the secret?

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

WOW...I am so impressed with your baby...too cute! I totally have to come out and visit you and reconnect. I want to meet Jasper! Love the pictures!!