Friday, April 30, 2010

Six Months...

It's official... I'm as big at six months as a large nine month old baby! Mommy can't believe how big I've gotten. She was shocked after our visit to the pediatricians office for my six month checkup. Here is what has happened this month.

I colored Easter eggs with my mommy and daddy.

The Easter Bunny made a stop at my house and left lots of Easter loot for me to find.
I see my daddy studying on the computer everyday so what better Easter gift than my very own laptop?


This was one of my last story times with my best friend Addi. She passed away shortly after this story time. It was very sad. She was good to me.


Daddy talked Mommy into getting a new member of the family because, without Addi, our hearts felt a little empty and sad. We got a puggle and named her Foxy Cleopatra--Cleo for short. What a wild dog! She's taken on the nickname of "Crazy Cleo." What on earth was Mommy thinking? She tells me I came to her perfectly trained and Cleo came naughty and needs to be trained.

PopPop's Visit

I was so excited for our visit from PopPop. We've all missed him and it was fun to have him around. We did a lot while he was here.

Vegetables I officially started my first vegetable eating. I have only tried sweet potatoes and I really like them!


Mommy has been trying to train Cleo to walk already. She misses her Addi walks but Cleo is getting good. I go in the Bjorn so my stroller wheels don't run over and kill Cleo. As you can tell from this picture, I LOVE MY TONGUE still.
People say I look like my Daddy.

I've always been super cute but seem to get cuter everyday. I'm a curious, fun loving kid. I have a mohawk and I love rockin' the 'hawk. I have chickydown-like hair. Strangers comment on my 'hawk all the time--saying they love the hawk or it looks like I have static electricity on my head. My eyes are still a mystery. Most of the time they look green (like moms) but other times they look brown (like dads). The suspense is killing my mom and dad! I love to laugh and have turned the end of my laugh into a fake cough. I've also found all sorts of cool sounds I can make with my mouth. I've officially moved to my very own bed in my very own room. I have very big hands and my daddy thinks my large hands will come in handy when I learn to play sports. I am a lover and like to grab my mommy's face and plant big wet kisses all over--such a little Romeo. I'm such a happy little boy and the light of my mommy & daddy's life.

Six Month Stats:

Weight: 17 lbs 9 oz--55%

Height: 28 inches--75%

Head Circ: 42.75--25%

How could you not love my smile?


Mimi said...

What a cutie pie!! He has the best smile EVER!!

He does look like his daddy, but I can definitely see his mommy too.. he's a good mix!

Yay for the new pup- crazy cleo- love it!

Emily said...

He is such a handsome little guy!

Laurel said...

He is adorable! I love your posts from Jaspers point of view, they are great! Cleo is so cute, good luck with the training! Glad your dad could come visit, nothing is better than visitors!

Brimaca said...

Such a cutie!

Todd and Megan said...

He is absolutely darling!!! You are right, somehow he just keeps getting cuter and cuter as if it is possible to be any more cute than he is now! Love the pictures...thanks so much for sharing!

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I can not believe that Jasper is 6 months old! Time flies! And he does keep getting cuter and cuter, which I am honestly saying since I have no children of my own and can't be bias.

Veronica said...

I can't believe Jasper is 6 months old. He is tooooooo beautiful. How I love each picture and his sweet and happy smiling face. Can't wait to find out the eye color too. I am so thankful your dad was able to visit. I know how much it means to all of you. Hope Cleo keeps learning good husband LOVES the Dog Whisperer and will make those funny sounds Cazear makes with teeth. He swears he will be the master if we ever get another dog. Hope all is well. YOur post leads me to believe that you are doing GREAT! Love you so much!

Erin said...

He is a doll! And what a BIG boy he his! Definitely way bigger than my petite Jada at 9 months! :) Love all the pictures and storytelling. You are such a cute, and good, little mama!

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I just wanted to wish you a Happy first Mother's day...I hope it was the best!!!

The Heaps Family said...

He is so adorable. Sorry about Addi. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day

Shelley Eggett said...

Whit you are the cutest Mom and have the cutest little boy. I can tell you are just enjoying every minute with him. Your new puppy is adorable too, I hope he's acting better for you.