I've spent the majority of my second month in Utah. Mom and Dad call Utah home. I insist that New York is my home because that is where I was born. Utah has turned out to be a very nice place.
Here is what has happened in my second month of life:
I saw my first snow
I smiled at my mom and dad
I rolled from my back to my belly without any help
I started talking and love to tell stories. My favorite word right now is a-goo
I was real brave when I got my first shots from the doctor. At six weeks old I weighed 10.5!
I took my first plane ride and was a perfect angel
I saw Utah for the first time
My cousin Frances was born the day after I left on vacation. I can't wait to see her!
I met my GGVD (Great Grandma VerDawn)
I met my Aunt Nicole
My blessing day was December 20
I celebrated my first Christmas
I went to tons of parties and met lots of family members
I love to stand. My daddy can't believe how strong I am. I hold my head up for long periods of time and don't even get tired! I have discovered my tongue and love to stick it out and blow bubbles. My mommy still loves to cuddle me and I love my cuddle time. She is glad I haven't outgrown her yet. I can't wait to see what other tricks I can discover in the next month!