Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 2011

The month of June got us back on schedule and back on track after an absolutely crazy month of May spent in Utah! It's nice to be home and make some fun summer plans. Here's what's been going on in our lives in the month of June:

JayJay's Birthday Party
Jasper, JayJay and Sophia--these three are best buds

Jasper and Sophia get silly around each other because they have a childhood crush!

Family Pictures at Nazareth (Steve's school)
Jas is wearing the same shirt because pictures and the party were on the same day!

My adorable family!

Feeding the ducks at Perinton Park
This is almost a nightly practice in Rochester. There are ducks and geese where ever you go. We have learned to put stale bread by the stroller for the ducks!

First Swimming of the Summer--Brighton Swimming Pool

Taughannock Falls State Park and Cayuga Lake

The water fall has a 215 ft drop with a 10 ft splash

The riverbed was as warm as bathtub water so we could walk the entire trail up to the falls in the river!

This is the park by the falls and right off Cayuga Lake (one of the many finger lakes)
The lake was closed to swimming for a thunderstorm.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

May 2011

Lots of happenings in the month of May! Fun times spent in UTAH!

Critters in our own backyard in Rochester

Jasper with his best friend Ki-Ki (or CiCi as he pronounces it). These two are the best critters of all!

Fun at Utah's Hogle Zoo

Memorial Day spent with Grammy Sue
PopPop's Wedding
Cousins flew in for the big day

Dad and Barbara--the happy couple

A Day out with Thomas the Train at Heber Valley Railroad

Riding in Grandpa Lenny's new toy
Nothing beats a Dairy Keen sherbet!
Notice that Jasper is wearing his jacket in most of the pictures--let's just say May was COLD in Utah!

It was an eventful month to say the least! Jasper and Mommy went home to Utah and spent the entire month of May. Although we were there FOREVER there was lots to be done. We celebrated Grandpa Lenny's 50th birthday. WE said goodbye to our beloved Malamute, Haida--she was nearly 15 years old which is almost unheard of in "big dog" lives. Mommy found treasures of Grammy Sues that will be cherished forever. Last, but not least, PopPop got married! Home again, home again. Time to get the summer rollin' in Ro-cha-cha!